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The "built in" lists

The first thing you need to know about Conqu is that it’s more than a simple list app. It follows the GTD methods described by David Allen in his book titled: “Getting Things Done”. Conqu has several built-in lists: Inbox, Today, Next, Future, Projects, Waiting, Archives, Backburner. We will describe the basics of each list below.

You can add tasks directly to most of these list, but you will also find that tasks "automatically" move from one list to another depending on their "metadata". As you begin to use Conqu more and more, you will clearly understand the reasons for this behavior and grow to appreciate it.


The Inbox is the most basic list. This is where you would put all your tasks before you "process" them. A task that needs to be processed will not have any metadata associated with it. In this case the task will only contain a title and nothing more. This is also where you receive tasks that have been delegated to you by another Conqu user, and where tasks added by email are placed.

Tasks are removed from the inbox as soon as you process them. "Processing" a task means making changes to it such as setting a due date or adding notes. Once processed, they cannot be moved back to the inbox.


Today contains the tasks that you should focus on. Due and scheduled tasks automatically appear in this list when their time has arrived. You may also manually assign any task to this list that you want to focus on right now. See how to move tasks.


"Next" is the big list. This is where you will find everything you need to do "next" based on your current context, energy, or any other filter of choice. You can simply do the tasks or move them to Today when you are planning what to do for the day.

All tasks appear it this list with the exception of: tasks already in Today, tasks that have a schedule date set, tasks that were placed in the Backburner or Trash, or tasks that have been delegated.


Tasks in the Future list are separated by date. Here you'll find only tasks that have either a due date or scheduled date assigned to them. Under the PAST group you will find all past due or tasks with a scheduled date that are in the past. The PAST group is the first item shown before future dates.

To navigate the date picker either swipe the date bar if on a touch based device like a tablet or phone, or use the arrow buttons on the left and right edges if using the desktop application.

If you add a new task while focused on a date, that new task will automatically assign the Scheduled Date for the day selected.


The most basic way of grouping tasks in Conqu is by assigning them to projects. Think of projects as folders containing your tasks. See how to create projects.

Once you have at least one project, you can start assigning tasks to it. You can create tasks directly in the project or assign them a project later in the processing phase. See how to assign projects


The Waiting screen is the one of the few lists where you cannot add tasks directly to it. For tasks to appear here they need to have been delegated to somebody. Because you have delegated the task, you are now "waiting" for it to be finished.

Contexts & Tags

The most popular metadata added to tasks are tags and contexts. Grouped under these lists are tasks that have been assigned one or more tags or a context.


Putting a task in the backburner is just a clean way to remove tasks from your next list while keeping them close at hand in case you find time to do them.


If you ever need to know when you completed a task it’s as easy as going to the archives. Here you will find a list of all your completed tasks along with the date the task was marked as being done.


When you delete a task it’s not gone for good. At least not yet, instead those tasks go to the trash folder where you can bring them back later if you need to.

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